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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What Nathan got for our first anniversary....

Today I realized I had the cash to go buy it, so I did -- as soon as I left work...and I seriously COULD NOT COULD NOT COULD NOT wait to give it to him once I got home. The second he walked in the door, I ran in the bedroom to get it for him.

Our anniversary is not until July 7th. Oops!

The key selling points were it's tiny size, the huge viewfinder, and that it takes videos with sound. I still have to get him a bigger memory card (it only came with a 32 MB card) but he is so excited to use it. We have an extremely nice, much bigger Canon PowerShot, but we also have a smaller Fujifilm camera that Nathan gave me the first year we were dating for Christmas. We always use the smaller, old beater camera when we go out with friends or when we take day trips when the big one might get messed up or be in the way. But now, we'll have this nice tiny little thing that takes good pictures. The old Fujifilm was great when we got it, but now it is so hard to use we don't even bother. It just got old and beaten up, I guess! Anyway, I think he loves it. He will really enjoy taking it on trips, to see bands, out with friends, whatever since it will fit in his pockets so easily.

Hooray! Happy early Anniversary, baby! :)

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