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Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I apologize for the lack of blogging lately. As you can see by my to-do list below, I've got a lot of things I wish I were getting done; but in reality, I'm not getting it all done as quickly as I'd like. You know, life getting in the way and all that. Ah well - I really do intend to give my blog a facelift and get back to regular posting soon. I've got some projects churning in my soon as I get them out and made into something concrete, I'll let you know. I discovered that the little spark I've been missing in my days is the result of me spending zero time on frivolous crafty projects for myself. Anytime I've got a few minutes or a few hours, I immediately force myself to work on house projects, because I felt like they should come first. But it's become obvious that I need to do that in trade with using my spare time for fun stuff, silly craft stuff, making stuff, because it feels good. I got really inspired after looking through some art journal blogs online and decided I would try it out for myself - so if that goes well, I'm hoping I can start posting pages from my art journal. I envision it being something creative I can turn to anytime, not for any specific purpose, but rather just to get the craft therapy and motivation flowing.

An update on Spike: he's doing fabulously. He has completely settled into living with us, and he sincerely believes that we exist to pet him, look at him, play with him, and pay attention to him at all times. And yes, I did say "play"! He's finally figured his toys out, and we have so much fun with him. He's so silly and active - playtime really brings out his personality. And although he is still sometimes a little wild during the night, he sleeps with us most of the time, waking us up with sweet meows in the morning, asking us to pet him. He spends a lot of time with us when we are home, follows us around, and is more often than not a super sweet kitty.

The only issues we're having is a tiny bit of a biting problem - you can tell he knows he's not supposed to, but he does it anyway sometimes, seemingly out of the blue. We're also having problems with his front claws. He keeps them out at all times, and uses them constantly (and hardly ever in a mean way). I know it is only natural for him, but Nathan and I are both constantly getting scratched, and he's scratching up the leather couch pretty badly. Ah well...I guess we will see what the vet says when we take him in. But he sure is a handsome boy, no?

1 comment:

  1. Shannon,
    I'd love to see pictures from your art journal!

    Your family is SO creative! I just visited your Mom's website and her quilting is fabulous!

    It's great to meet another Huntsville blogger!


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