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Saturday, January 3, 2009


So, I've spent a good bit of time over the last two days sorting through and organizing my craft stash. Even Nathan was impressed at the results, which makes me feel good about myself... I wanted to go through everything I have, trash a lot of junk, get like items together, and see what I actually have. That last one is the main reason I wanted to get this taken care of - to take an inventory of what I already own - so that I won't buy so much new crafty junk! One of my biggest New Year resolutions is to craft more. And okay - I know I'm already a big crafter - but I want to push myself to start and complete projects on a more consistent basis. I feel like I'm always getting ideas for projects and halfway starting them, but I don't always motivate myself to finish them. It's frustrating for me to do that, because I thrive on the fulfillment of a finished product! (That's one reason I love my day job - I'm always pushed to finish everything and produce a product, and then it's straight on to the next thing.)

So, with the More Crafts resolution...I want to keep working on my embroidery that I've started loving, and I absolutely want to start sewing a lot more. I get so much inspiration for sewing not only in all the blogs I read and from my mom the quilter, but of course at work, where I'm immersed in crazy-super-sewing-talent. I feel like I could do so much more than straight stitching rectangles if I just started out slow.

Not only with sewing and needlework, but with any crafting, I'd love to make more gifts than we buy. I want to use my stash more than I buy new stuff. I want to DIY as much as I can in the house that we hope to buy before long. (We're headed to the mortgage lender on Tuesday to recheck all of our finances and start looking!!) And since I think cooking totally counts as a craft, I want to cook a lot more - and I mean make actual meals on a regular basis. We eat too many one-pot, one-color meals, or meals out of a bag, and there's just no reason for that. I think I can spend the same amount on groceries that I do now and make it work. We'll see.

Speaking of meals and food and groceries, I signed up for Weight Watchers! I bought the Monthly Pass online so that I can use the e-tools as well as go to meetings. I've done well tracking my points for two out of three days since I started, and I go to my first meeting on Thursday. There is a meeting near my work that I can go to after work on Thursdays, which I think will work out well. I'm not trying to set a specific goal or resolution, because I'd be afraid I wouldn't stick to it! Instead, I really just want to feel good about myself and my body again. I am very unhappy with myself right now - I'm the only one that can try to rectify that. I'll keep you posted!


  1. Hey -- Check into that Monthly Pass thing... apparently they aren't accepted everywhere! I like the more crafts resolution. :) I'm all about the DIY home!!!

  2. GOOD LUCK with WW! You can do it!

    I've totally fallen off the wagon for the month of December and have my first WW meeting in like 2 weeks tonight....kinda scared. But we'll get through this and be totally hot babes this summer :) (and we'll apparently be from 1991, since that's probably the last time anyone's heard the phrase "totally hot babes")

    And I think most of the places around here accept the Monthly Pass...I know the main WW office where I go does, and so does the Madison meeting where my mom goes.


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