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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve anticipation...

I've been cooking and cleaning pretty much all day - getting ready for our big Christmas Eve get-together that Nathan and I host at our house! I can't wait. Christmas Eve is by far my favorite day of the entire year. This year seems better than last year - I had to work. This year, my mom and I met up for coffee at Starbuck's so we could exchange a couple things we needed from one another. We got such a sweet surprise - when I went to pay for our drinks with a gift card, the barista told us that someone had actually left a $10 bill to pay for the next person's drinks, so it would be free. Can you believe that? I guess there still is some good-hearted Christmas spirit out there. Now I'll have to think of what to do to pay it forward...

Right now I'm taking a quick break to get off my feet - I've been running around this house like a crazy person for several hours. I've got almost everything made that has to be made as far as food is concerned, except to finish the Veggie Bites. The crusts are cooling right now, so I thought I'd turn on the dishwasher and sit down to catch my breath. My feet and back are already aching, ouch!

Our presents are all under our tree, ready for the festivities. Tonight a lot of family will come over to eat, exchange presents in a goofy Dirty Santa game, and enjoy being together. Nathan and I will open one present each from one another tonight, and then we'll open each other's stockings and big presents tomorrow. Then it's a big lunch at my parents' house with Nathan's parents and sister's family; out to my in-laws' house for Christmas in the afternoon; and back to my parents' house for when my sister's family arrives to do supper and presents with them. Wow - it's going to be a full day, but I am SO looking forward to it.

For now, I need to get back to preparations. Merry Christmas to all - I hope you have a beautiful evening tonight and Christmas Day tomorrow!

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