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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

i caved

Are you on Twitter?


I am... You might have already seen it in my sidebar; I finally submitted to the latest social networking craze. I tried to be strong, but I failed.

Maybe you should do it too?


  1. CONGRATS on the job--don't forget the little people when you become Miss Big Famous Art Director.

  2. Oh, and on your advice, I'm trying twitter now. BTW it's making me feel stupid. When did I get too old for technology?

  3. Kinda of funny that you posted this yesterday because it was on national news....they were talking about how certain corporations watch twitter like Comcast and Dell to have better customer service so if you ever have a problem with a company type something about it with their name to get some attention.

  4. Uh-oh, as Weston says, I didn't use commas and I put of in there. ;)


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