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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Merry Christmas to ME

I went shopping with some unexpected spending money (woohoo!) and I'm pretty excited about my buys. I didn't even get cheap crud like I usually do - be proud of me. Usually my quality stuff only gets bought when my (very generous) mom takes me shopping, so... I thought I'd share! First of all, I got these shoes. I needed something casual that I could wear with jeans everyday, but dress up with jeans for holiday stuff too. All I have like this is a pair of very worn out Sperry Top Siders - which I love, but are very sad-looking. The little heel helps, too - since I'm short and pretty much all my pants need a couple inches taken up. This way I won't drag my jeans too badly when I'm trying to look decent, haha. So, I found this pair of Liz Claiborne "Leta" shoes at the Shoe Dept. at Parkway Place:

They are super comfortable, but I'm wearing them today to break them in and that is never fun.

I also got this shirt to wear to Nathan's work Christmas party on Friday night. It's from New York & Company:

I'm trying to decide if I can wear it with black pants or if I have to wear it with brown. I need to wear one or the other - no jeans, and I don't have an appropriate skirt. Decisions, decisions.........

And finally, I got myself a cozy sweater at Belk. I wanted something that would be warm and cuddly, something I could wear during Christmas, but not frumpy. I love it...and I'm wearing it today! 50% off helps, too.

You can't really tell (I think the color picker messed up) but the sleeve actually ends at the elbow with a wide cuff. I also think it's a little brighter red than the picture shows, but you get the idea.

Woohoo for Christmas shopping for myself!


  1. I like all three!

  2. Those are cute! I think you can wear either color pant with the shirt. As long as you pick one and stick to it. PS I think Jason and I will be joining you guys on Saturday! Roll Tide!

  3. TOTALLY cute. I'm super jealous. Good for you for buying not-clearance stuff. You know I struggle with the same affliction of cheapness. Too late now, but I think you can do black pants with the top because black/brown is totally acceptable. I want to shop for me! Too bad we are poor :(


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