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Saturday, January 5, 2013

My 2013 Word of the Year: Rise

I've been seeing lots of talk about everyone's "word of the year" in lieu of New Year's Resolutions, and I've loved the idea. I started thinking this week about what mine might be. Lots of them crossed my mind, but one continued to stick out that I think sums up everything I want for myself in 2013. The more I pondered on it, the more I fell in love with the idea. So with that, I settled on my word for this year: RISE.


I feel like "rise" encompasses so many of the goals I have for myself. For sure I've got more concrete aspirations (lose a few pounds, blog more, keep the house more organized) but I really feel like if I can work on conditioning my state of mind and my more abstract wishes for myself, those physical things will follow naturally.


I hope to embody the idea of "rising" in so many ways, and not just for me - but in that I hope to uplift others as well. Helping to be a light to my children, friends, family, coworkers and even those who frustrate me by way of example and encouragement is so important to me. You've all heard the quote about being the change you wish to see in the world, right? I feel like I fail to live up to that sometimes when all the while I expect it of others. That's so wrong.


This year I want to strive to rise to each and every occasion as it comes instead of letting my challenges meet me at the ground. I want to be able to rise above things that would make me stumble and find a way to jump over them instead, or at least move them out of my way without unnecessary struggle or strife or upset. I want to stop taking things personally that are simply not personal while remembering to handle them with grace and care. I want to find the strength within myself that I know must be there that will allow me to meet my frustrations with a new and improved sense of self and optimism.


So that's it: in 2013, I want to embrace this whole "rise" concept and play it out in as many ways as I can. Wish me luck.

Do you have a word of the year?

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