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Thursday, December 6, 2012

starting early

Well, if I'm not the worst blogger ever, I don't know who is. It's not that I don't have things to talk about. Oh, I've got things. Two very small diapered ones in fact, one female and one male, both very cute and very exhausting. And an awesome job - amazing, but exhausting. And lots of craft goodness happens in this house, when I'm not too exhausted.

Perhaps the exhausting part is why I'm such a terrible blogger....and housekeeper. Not to mention that I've got this gorgeous blog redesign I had my a sweet friend help me with several months ago, and I've hardly touched it. Shameful!

Does anybody actually stick to their New Year Resolutions? Seriously, anybody? Well, whatever. My biggest one is to get back to regular blogging, and I just don't even feel like waiting until January to kick it off, so here we go. How bout an update?

Georgia is 20 months old with a head full of curly hair and an amazing little personality to match. She "talks" nonstop, sings and dances, always wants to color, loves on her brother (and gets mad at her brother for playing with her toys), is obsessed with Yo Gabba Gabba and enjoys testing the disciplinary waters. She's quickly turning into a little girl, and I hate it. Love it, hate it.

Ryland is 6 months old and the pure light of my life. He is almost sitting up and rolls all over the floor, grins and giggles incessantly (except for when he screams bloody murder for food or sleep) and wears the same size diapers and pants as his sister (he's way over the 95th percentile for height and weight). He's started on solids, but he doesn't quite understand it yet; and he is best friends with the cat.

Nathan is still the same wonderful husband he always has been, except that I love him more and more as I watch him grow as a father. I always knew he would be a great dad, but there is something about the chemistry he has with our children, especially Georgia, that is just a gift beyond all others. I hit the jackpot with this guy.

With me, I'm trucking on. I'm super happy, but I have my ups and downs; mostly because I chose to have children 14 months apart while remaining committed to my job. And you know, an attempt at some semblance of a personal life. All my days are insanity these days - wonderful, exciting, but pure crazy. I'm just blessed to do something I love every day. Honestly, work is almost always the only place I have an excuse to be creative and crafty and get to follow through on my ideas. I love it, and I love my coworkers. I'm a lucky lady in that I don't dread it.

Okay, so - go go gadget blog! Back again, really.

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