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Sunday, June 14, 2009

our house, in the middle of our street

Yesterday, our house was as clean as it's been in a long while because I was hosting a little Pampered Chef get-together. So after everyone left, I took advantage of the empty, clean house to take some pictures. You can see them on flickr here. But what I am most excited about is pictures of my craft room! Check out some of these before and after shots:

I absolutely love it and I'm so happy with how it turned out. My husband can tell you, I practically live in this room. It's so nice having my own space to get messy with crafty projects and then be able to just leave it for next time. I also really love the office/computer space -- it's nice and quiet back here, and it seems like I get a lot more work done than when it was in the living room. Anyway, hope you like it even a fraction as much as I do!


  1. Your room is fabulous! I love the colors! And having a tile floor is perfect!

  2. Rockin! I am totally jealous of a "me" space. I never would have put those colors together, but they are so awesome! They go great with the sign too.

    So when you get bored and have nothing to do (you know, when your unborn kids have gone to college) let's talk website :)

  3. LOVE the colors! I want to do that "desk in the closet" thing when we buy a house too, so cute!

  4. Hey Shannon, it's me, Tina from work. I love your sewing/craft room & the blue phone, cute, cute, cute...


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