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Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday Links

Well alright then...Friday already! Thank goodness. It has been an absolutely crazy week. I have probably worked harder this week and gotten more done than I have the entire time I have worked at this job. But it's been good. My multimedia group has gotten lots of interesting news this week that is going to probably make weeks like this continue, so that's good, I think.

I don't think I have posted this yet, but I think I will go ahead and do so...Nathan got offered a new position at a different company, he accepted, and his last day at the company where we work will be April 22. Wow! I am so proud and excited and happy for him. He is going to be doing more accounting/contracts type work at another small-ish government contractor. I really like the sound of the company he will be working for and I know, more than anything, a change of scenery is going to be so good for him. The pay raise helps, too. :) He will be able to quit working at Barnes & Noble part time! I am happy for that, for both him and me - he'll get his Sunday afternoons/evenings back, and nights when he had to leave work to go to work, he'll get to do whatever he wants instead. I'm very happy about the extra free time we/he will have.

Anyway, TGIF. I don't think we have much in the way of plans this weekend. This afternoon Nathan is going to a movie with some friends and I will probably just go home or go over to my parents' house for a little while. :) Dad flies in from Colorado today, I think. Tomorrow Nathan's going up to work on his property with his Dad in Jackson County, which means I pretty much have the house to myself all day. I think I'm going to cover some pillows in the leftover curtain fabric. Wow - so exciting, right? Well, I'll also probably get some work done. I have several projects waiting in the wings that, thank goodness, I can finally work on with my new worktable and monitor and all those goodies. :) Then church Sunday, and I think Nathan's parents are taking us out to eat for my birthday. Yum!

Okay, Friday links time...enjoy!

Nectarine Turnovers at Baking Bites
These look simply divine, and excellent for spring/summer Saturday breakfasts. I love how the recipes at Baking Bites are always so straightforward.

DIY Homemade Mothers Day Gifts from A-Z
I think these are supposed to be ideas for kids, but yall know I like kids crafts more than adult crafts.

Bagsket Tutorial
Super cute sewn basket/bag. I would totally make this - maybe I'll have moooore leftover curtain fabric to try it?!

IRS Small Business and Self-Employed One-Stop Resource
I got my business bank account opened this week and next on the list is figuring out taxes. Where else but the IRS would have what I need? Anyway, they actually have a very functional website, which is great when you're trying to figure stuff out on your own.

Get that Stuffy, Smelly Odor Out of Your House Naturally at Gomestic
I love Gomestic. They are always full of useful and useless information and lists and ideas. Add this one to my list of Spring Cleaning inspiration.

Wine Cork Trivet & Board
I've collected wine corks for um...years. They just seem like the perfect reusable craft supply. For Christmas I made my mom a corkboard for her sewing room by cutting a bunch in half and gluing them to the inside of a bamboo tray. It's pretty col. I love this idea though, too, and I might try it. My stash is kind of overflowing.

Tutorial Tuesday: Owl Army from Moonstitches at Indie Fixx
If you didn't like owls before, you will now.

Muffins Galore at How to Eat a Cupcake
There is a recipe here for coffee cake muffins. I think I have died and gone to heaven. Two of the world's most perfect breakfast foods combined into one?!

Origami Mobile at Design*Sponge
After Design*Sponge posted this, it has shown up in my reader about 10 times through other websites tracking back to it. Probably because it is so gosh darn adorable. I love it because my nephew Bridger loves fish, or "bish" as he called them when he was much littler. And we do so love our goldfish. But would the fact that it is a mobile, something generally intended for children, stop me from making one for me own house? No, no it won't.

Custom Paper Silhouettes at Design*Sponge
This is another great use for all those adorable scrapbook papers that I covet, yet hardly use in actual scrapbooking. Excellent gift idea..

The Boss of You -- For women who run businesses
I just saw this one this morning - it is the blog of the women who wrote the book, The Boss of You. As their "About Us" says of their blog: "We started this website as a living guide to business, our way. You can expect to find our thoughts and ruminations on business, updates on our book-writing and -publishing adventures, profiles of women-run businesses, resources for women entrepreneurs, and more than likely ideas on a few other assorted topics."


  1. The fish mobile is my favorite this week.

  2. Always look forward to the links! Found a new site like Adobe's Kuler website while blog hopping from the wine trivet link. It's called Colour Lover - - and has downloadable patterns AND color palettes. Awesome!

  3. allen.g.etheridge@ulalaunch.comApril 14, 2008 at 4:01 PM

    Best blog ever.


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